Basic syntax & instructions in Intel syntax assembly.
mov dest, src ; dest = src (if src is a register)
lea dest, [src] ; dest = src (load the address stored in src register into dest register)
test a, b ; performs a AND b and sets the FLAGS registers accordingly
cmp a, b ; performs a MINUS b and sets the FLAGS registers accordingly
Align stack to 16-bit for certain library calls
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
and esp, 0xfffffff0
; ...
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
- Save EBP value on stack
- Save ESP value into EBP
- Now:
- EBP points to top of stack
- ESP points to top of stack
- Truncate ESP bottom 4 bits for alignment (this makes sure the address is a multiple of 16; since stack grows towards 0, no data will be overwritten)
- Now:
- EBP points to original top-of-stack
- ESP points to newly aligned top-of-stack
- Do stuff with library calls
- Restore ESP from EBP register
- Restore EBP from stack
x86 leave
mov esp, ebp ; restore caller ESP from EBP
pop ebp ; restore caller EBP at ESP